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HSRL RIOS interns finished their summer internships strong during the capstone poster presentation on Cook Campus in the Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences. All four completed outstanding projects providing data that will advance the research they were involved in, while also learning about the basic process of conducting science and communicating the information revealed.
- Michele Bulnes of Monmouth University who worked with Dr. Daphne Munroe and PhD Candidate Alexandria Ambrose on how fish and other organisms use oyster farm gear as habitat.
- Molly Honecker of Duke University who worked with Post Doctoral Fellow Dr. Laura Steeves and Dr. Munroe to understand impacts of ocean acidification on coastal shellfish.
- Aisling O’Connell of Georgetown University who helped Drs. Jason Morson and Doug Zemeckis determine the effectiveness and appropriateness of a novel sampling method for understanding offshore fish communities where wind energy turbines are proposed for installation.
- Nina Coli of the University of South Carolina who worked with Field Researcher Jenny Shinn and Dr. David Bushek to test the settlement of oysters to novel concrete formulations and modules designed for use in hybrid living shorelines to protect coastlines from storms and erosion.
Molly and Nina were selected by an independent faculty review committee to present their posters at the next Ocean Sciences meeting and Michelle and Aisling’s mentors are discussing presenting their posters to relevant regional conferences. Congrats to all and thanks to everyone that helped support them.